To order: Tel: (800) 215-8705 • Fax: (800) 713-0634 • Click Here to Email Us
To receive a catalog from the following product lines, please contact our customer service or Click Here to Email Us
Our prices are the same as the vendor's prices.
Orders are sent to the Vendors every day.
Terms and condition vary from one Vendor to another
By placing your order with Kheops you help us to keep offering you the service of having a rep visit your store.
Make sure you call Kheops to place your order with any of the following lines
• BLJ: Sterling silver jewelry
• Pacific Trading/Summit: Figurines, collectibles, décor, housewares
• Fantasy: Journals, décor, head shop
• Nirvana: Silver, bronze and pewter jewelry
• US Games Systems: Tarot, oracle and game decks
• Pacific Trading/Summit: Figurines, collectibles, décor, housewares
• Fantasy: Journals, décor, head shop
• Nirvana: Silver, bronze and pewter jewelry
• US Games Systems: Tarot, oracle and game decks