We hear the phrase “self-care” often these days and for good reason. Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and our “new normal”, everyone has had to endure an enormous paradigm shift. Our personal lives, careers, and … [Read More...]
Celebrating The Earth
April is the perfect time to talk about celebrating the Earth. The weather is getting warmer, so people are starting to get outside after their winter hibernation. April is Earth Month, and Earth Day (22nd), Arbor Day (28th), … [Read More...]
Understanding Moon Magick
We hear about it all the time. People tell us that the moon is in a certain position or phase, so X will happen. For as long as there have been humanoids on the Earth, we have been looking at the Moon and … [Read More...]
Annual Celebrations of Those who have Passed
Global Celebration Every year from October 31st to November 2nd, several holidays span different religions and ethnicities. They include the Christian All Hallows, Saints and Souls Days, the Pagan Samhain, The Mexican Day … [Read More...]
The Power of Evil Eye Talismans
Since the dawn of time, people have been looking into each other's eyes for clues to their intentions. Many ancient cultures worldwide believed that any malevolent glare, now commonly known as the "Evil Eye," was very … [Read More...]
Tricks and Treats for Halloween
Halloween! The peak of Autumn. The air has grown colder. The leaves have begun to fall. There's cool orange and purple lights, scarecrows and skeletons, cotton spiderwebs, little ghosts and fiends! Pumpkins are carved with … [Read More...]
Making Magic This Winter Solstice
Making Magic This Winter Solstice If you are one of the many who is already adorning your house with pine cuttings and the holly or cranberries, mistletoe, pinecones and chestnuts then you are one of the many who love … [Read More...]
Ostara and Spring Equinox
Ostara is a celebration that marks the arrival of Spring. During this time, the Earth starts to make changes in preparation for the growing season ahead. The ground becomes warmer, the first signs of new life begin to … [Read More...]
The Origination of the Spirit Animal
The bear man came to my dreams, and he showed me a pathway to great spirit. He called my name from the bear cave as smoke rose from his eternal fire. I could hear … [Read More...]
What is Orgonite?
What is Orgonite ? A perfectly preserved state of projective and receptive energy, orgonite is a metaphysical tool made of a petrochemical resin, organic … [Read More...]
The History and Benefits of Worry Stones
A smooth polished stone brought forth to land by an ancient churning sea often rested in the pockets and palms of many original Greeks, Irish and Tibetans. Also … [Read More...]
Featured Category
How to Hang Tibetan Prayer Flags
Tibetan Prayer Flags are a long tradition dating back to ancient Tibet, China and India. Today, the practice has expanded and gained popularity in the West. It is a beautiful way to offer prayers and send energy out into the Universe. Prayer flags contain deeply spiritual symbolism, are considered holy and should be treated with great care and respect. […]
Different Uses of Lanterns
Lanterns are a universal symbol of brightness, transcendence and guiding light. In various cultures they are viewed as symbols of love, wisdom and illumination. Lanterns symbolize the inner light that guides the soul through periods of darkness with the promise of a new day. They remind us of our ability to find our way in the world and […]
Featured Category
What is Orgonite?
What is Orgonite ? A perfectly preserved state of projective and receptive energy, orgonite is a metaphysical tool made of a petrochemical resin, organic materials, crystals and metal shavings. Orgonite works continuously to clear its surroundings of negativity and harmful environmental elements. Beautifully organized and fixed in a permanent state of being, orgonite attracts and […]
The History and Benefits of Worry Stones
A smooth polished stone brought forth to land by an ancient churning sea often rested in the pockets and palms of many original Greeks, Irish and Tibetans. Also called “Palm Stones” and “Thumb Stones“, the idea of rubbing a stone in between the thumb and forefinger is almost as ancient as the stones themselves. Thought […]