The pentacle and pentagram can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia in 3500 BC. The symbol was found on fragments of pottery and within some of the cultures earliest written text. During this time the pentagram was also used as symbol to signify the regions royal power which extended out to the four corners of the world.
Both the pentagram and pentacle have been used throughout time in various cultures and religions around the world. One of the most famous pentagrams is the Seal of Solomon, which is often called the Star of David. Legend states King Solomon possessed a powerful circular ring, inset with a pentacle. This ring gave him the power to banish demons, put out fire, communicate with animals and prevent conflicts.
Within magical communities Solomon is considered to be one the greatest wizards of all time. The Seal of Solomon is also known as the Pentacle of Solomon and the magician’s pentacle. It represents Divine power and helps a magician to control the energies of spirits and elements. Often time the pentacle is embroidered onto the magician’s robe or cloaks to protect them against negative forces that may attack. Many metaphysical and New Age shops carry cloaks embroidered or embossed with the pentacles and pentagrams.
Today the pentagram serves as a symbol of faith within many Wiccan and Pagan communities. The five points of the pentacle represent the spirit at the top and the four other points represent the elements of water, air, fire and earth.
Pentacles are often used at the beginning of a ceremony to summon the spirit of a chosen element and for protection. Several Wiccan rituals begin by drawing a pentagram in the air with an athame, wand or feather depending on the coven, with a single uninterrupted motion. Pentacles can open doorways for spirits to enter into the earthly realm. They can be used to enhance one’s own personal power and as an aid in spell work.
Pentacles protect the user from negative, malicious energy that can be absorbed from the spirit world and the earthly plane. For added protection and power pentacles and pentagrams are embossed onto magical tools such as cauldron and chalices.
Tarot cards incorporate the pentacle into its deck in the 19th century. It replaced the coin suit found in the minor Acarna. Within the tarot deck the suit of pentacles represents earthly matter and things related to the material world such as finances, property, money and work. Pentacles deal with consciousness and how one perceives his or her outer surroundings. When a pentacle is pulled in reverse the negative aspects of possessiveness, materialism and over indulgence are revealed.
Pentacles and their five point representation can be found everywhere in life. They are found within an apple, formed with the pedals of a flower and on the five points of a starfish. Pentacles have been bringing protection, knowledge and power to the four corners of the earth for centuries.
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