Ah, Summer Solstice a time celebrated for centuries to mark the longest day of the year, a time where the light of day outlasts darkness. In the Northern Hemisphere this date falls on or around June 21st. The Solstice ushers in the official onset of Summer and is seen as a time to celebrate abundance, […]
Summer Solstice
Solstice comes from the Latin phrase “Sun stands still”. As the days get longer, the sun rises higher in the sky. Throughout time, many civilizations have celebrated the Summer solstice, recognizing the awesome power of the Sun and rejoicing in its life giving force. Solstice marks the longest day of the year, and it is […]
Celebrate Litha
Litha is a festive Pagan holiday marking Mid-Summer and the Summer Solstice. Cultures from around the world have been celebrating this celestial event since antiquity. According to the Pagan calendar, summer begins on May 1st (Beltane) and ends on August 1st (Lughnassadh) with Litha marking the Mid-Summer point. On this day the sun reaches […]