The color purple completes the color wheel by fusing together the energies of red and blue. From red, purple receives stimulation, from blue, calmness and tranquility. Variations of the color purple that include more red will have more undertones of this colors energy and vise-versa for those possessing more blue. Purple evokes a sense of magic, mysticism and royalty. It is the favorite color of young girls and those that are very creative and or eccentric. Physically the color purple is said to enhance creativity and it uplifts the spirit and mind by bringing balance and stability. It promotes harmony and gives one a sense of spirituality. Purple is also the best color to use when meditating.
When balanced, purple brings the qualities of: inventiveness, idealism, a reverence for all life, service to others, self-sacrifice and the ability to find one’s path to the higher self. Conversely, when purple is out of balance it brings impracticality, immaturity and a feeling of superiority and pompousness towards others; with delusions of grandeur.
Within the purple color spectrum, violet is associated with the crown or Sahasrara chakra. It represents bliss, beauty, creativity and inspiration. Use its energy to increase: knowingness, wisdom, charisma, awareness, higher consciousness, meditation and vision. Violet energy aids in purifying our thoughts, giving us inspiration and inner strength, it enhances our spiritual awareness and self knowledge.
In Feng Shui, the color purple, with its connections to the heavens and spiritual realms, is considered to be an extremely powerful, high vibration color which can be used in any room. It is however, recommended to use it sparingly in kitchens and bathrooms, because it is a high energy color that can increase negative energies. Use it in the southern section of your home to add prestige and to gain fame. Enhance a child’s room with purple to increase imagination and creativity. Keep your wedding pictures in purple frames and sleep on lavender sheets to amplify romantic energies. To increase luck pair purple with gold, white and silver in the west and northwest corners. Purple is the ultimate color of prosperity and wealth, use it in the northern sections of your home or business for maximum benefit.
One of the easiest ways to add purple to your space is with amethyst crystals. These beautiful crystals are considered to be one of the most powerful of all the feng shui crystals.
Wearing purple is a wonderful way to attract wealth and luck to your business and all related transactions. At the corporate level, wearing purple will get you noticed and bolster your reputation. The color purple exudes trust, confidence, harmony and stability.
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