Since the dawn of time, people have been looking into each other’s eyes for clues to their intentions. Many ancient cultures worldwide believed that any malevolent glare, now commonly known as the “Evil Eye,” was very powerful. It could bring misfortune, disaster and even death to the receiver of the stare. Evidence suggests this symbol goes back approximately 5,000 years, mainly centered in the Mediterranean region. However, this symbol and the Hamsa permeated all areas of the ancient world. Almost all world religions have some form of it.
How does it work?
The evil eye belief works on the premise that someone can send out bad luck with a glance. The target of this energy is often aware of it. This gut feeling reflects man’s self-preservation instinct and acts as a warning.
People also believed that if they received more praise than they truly deserved, they would soon become bloated with pride. This could manifest as a physical or mental disease. Additionally, any illness without an obvious cause was blamed on the evil eye. Some believed that the Gods could use this power to punish the prideful and remind them that they were mortal.
Ancient Belief and Methods
According to Turkish belief, there are three kinds of evil looks; one is unconscious and incites damage accidentally. The second is intentional and incites harm purposely. The third is the most powerful and comes from an evil third eye which can inflict the most harm.
Religious figures developed numerous ceremonies and rituals to ward off and protect against the ill effects of the evil eye. Historically, the most popular form of protection was wearing or displaying the evil eye talisman. This ancient symbol was hung in homes, woven into cloth, made into jewelry, or placed on anything of perceived value.
Modern Day
Today, the evil eye talisman is as popular as ever. People of all cultures proudly display and wear this ancient amulet of protection. As a matter of fact, A-List celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna and Meghan Markle wear evil eye jewelry.
Evil eye amulets are as powerful today as they were in ancient times. Wearing one can protect you from negativity sent by others. These powerful symbols make unique gifts and come in a variety of forms. They are sold in most New Age shops, and Kheops carries an extensive line, including jewelry, talismans, keychains and more.
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