Singing Bowl Flat Sides Small Five Dhyani Buddhas (each)
Product code: 31110
UPC: 886354311104
Shipping Weight: 1.50 pounds
Width in Inches: 6
Diameter in Inches: 6
Unit: each
Made Of: Metal
Made In: India
Symbol: The Five Dhyani Buddhas, also called Wisdom Buddhas, are all aspects of the dharmakaya or "truth-body", which incarnate the principle of enlightenment. Each Buddha is believed to be capable of overcoming a particular evil with a particular good.
Inventory Status: Back Order
The striker can be used in two ways to produce sound. It can be used to gently tap the side of the bowl, which produces a ringing sound, similar to a bell. Or, it can be run along the rim of the bowl to produce a hum. The hum will intensify with each pass of the wooden dowel and the bowl will sing.